The main shiki
entries bundles all supported themes and languages via lazy dynamic imports. The efficiency shouldn't be a concern to most of the scenarios as the grammar would only be imported/downloaded when it is used. However, when you bundle Shiki into browsers runtime or web workers, even those files are not imported, they still add up to your dist size. We provide the fine-grained bundle to help you compose languages and themes one-by-one as you need.
If you are building a web application, or in a performance-sensitive environment, it's always better to use the fine-grained bundles to reduce the bundle size and memory usage. Learn more about Best Performance Practices.
Bundle Presets
To make it easier, we also provide some pre-composed bundles for you to use:
Bundle Size: 6.4 MB (minified), 1.2 MB (gzip), async chunks included
The full bundle includes all themes and languages, same as the main shiki
Bundle Size: 3.8 MB (minified), 695 KB (gzip), async chunks included
The bundle includes all themes and common web languages like (HTML, CSS, JS, TS, JSON, Markdown, etc.) and some web frameworks (Vue, JSX, Svelte, etc.).
Use as normal, all functions from shiki
are also available in the bundle:
import {
} from 'shiki/bundle/web'
const highlighter = await createHighlighter({
langs: ['html', 'css', 'js'],
themes: ['github-dark', 'github-light'],
Fine-grained Bundle
When importing shiki
, all the themes and languages are bundled as async chunks. Normally it won't be a concern to you as they are not being loaded if you don't use them. In some cases, if you want to control what to bundle, you can use the core and compose your own bundle.
// directly import the theme and language modules, only the ones you imported will be bundled.
import nord from '@shikijs/themes/nord'
// `shiki/core` entry does not include any themes or languages or the wasm binary.
import { createHighlighterCore } from 'shiki/core'
import { createOnigurumaEngine } from 'shiki/engine/oniguruma'
const highlighter = await createHighlighterCore({
themes: [
// instead of strings, you need to pass the imported module
// or a dynamic import if you want to do chunk splitting
langs: [
// shiki will try to interop the module with the default export
() => import('@shikijs/langs/css'),
// or a getter that returns custom grammar
async () => JSON.parse(await fs.readFile('my-grammar.json', 'utf-8'))
// `shiki/wasm` contains the wasm binary inlined as base64 string.
engine: createOnigurumaEngine(import('shiki/wasm'))
// optionally, load themes and languages after creation
await highlighter.loadTheme(import('@shikijs/themes/vitesse-light'))
const code = highlighter.codeToHtml('const a = 1', {
lang: 'javascript',
theme: 'material-theme-ocean'
Shorthands are only avaliable in bundle presets. For a fine-grained bundle, you can create your own shorthands using createSingletonShorthands
or port it yourself.