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Grammar State

GrammarState is a special token that holds the grammar context and allows you to highlight from an intermediate grammar state, making it easier to highlight code snippets.

For example, if we want to highlight the type annotation Pick<MyObject, string>[], we can get the grammar state with the getLastGrammarState method, and pass into the grammarState option:

import { createHighlighter } from 'shiki'

const shiki = await createHighlighter({ langs: ['ts'], themes: ['github-dark'] })

const stateTypeAnnotation = shiki.getLastGrammarState('let a:', { lang: 'ts', theme: 'github-dark' })

const highlightedType = shiki.codeToHtml(
  'Pick<MyObject, string>[]',
    lang: 'ts',
    theme: 'github-dark',
    grammarState: stateTypeAnnotation // <--- this

Now Shiki would highlight correctly as it knows to start as the type annotation. You can keep that grammar state object for multiple uses as well.


Grammar Context Code

For one-off grammar context shifting, we also provide a shorthand by the grammarContextCode option:

const highlightedType = shiki.codeToHtml(
  'Pick<MyObject, string>[]',
    lang: 'ts',
    theme: 'github-dark',
    grammarContextCode: 'let a:' // same as above, a temporary grammar state is created internally

Get Grammar State from HAST

The getLastGrammarState method runs the highlighting process internally and returns the grammar state. It might result in executing highlighting twice if you are working on something like pausable highlighting. In that case, you can pass the highlighted hast node to the getLastGrammarState to get the grammar state we stored in an internal WeakMap:

const shiki = await getHighlighter(/* ... */)

const root = shiki.codeToHast(/* ... */)

const grammarState = shiki.getLastGrammarState(root) // pass the hast root instead of code

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